Medieval Monday: Plants and Herbs (part 2)

In the medieval world, just about anything you could forage, or anything you could grow, had a use…or many uses.  All kinds of plants, even things we would consider to be weeds, might be used for medicine, cooking, as strewing herbs to combat vermin and bad smells, or they might have sacred or magical uses.

Here is part two of last week’s popular post, with more examples of things we consider ordinary that the medieval people grew or gathered for extraordinary uses.

Flax:  It is well known that the stems from this plant were used in the production of linen fabric, rope, bowstrings, wicks, and nets, in addition to a wide variety of other useful things.  Its oil and seeds were used for cooking.  Though we now know that eating too many of the seeds can poison you, apparently Charlemagne didn’t.  He required his subjects to eat them as a way to maintain their health.

Flax oil was used as a medication for coughs and other respiratory issues, to dissolve gallstones, and cure urinary infections. As a poultice it was applied to burns, abscessed wounds, and swollen areas of the body.  The very same oil was used to make paint, ink, and soap, and to lubricate wheels.  It was probably one of the most versatile plants, cultivated not just in the Middle Ages, but back through many ancient civilizations to the prehistoric era.

Grapevine: We all know how tasty grapes are and how they can be used for wine, juice, or jelly, and dried into raisins, currants, etc. But medieval people made just as much use from the vine itself, which was thought to have tremendous healing powers. Its bark and dried leaves were used against wounds and to stop bleeding.  The leaves and vine shoots were an antacid, anti-inflammatory, and helped with headaches. Grape seeds were also thought to “settle the stomach.”

Hawthorn:  Maybe not so common for us today, but I’m including it anyway because the information is interesting.  The fruits of this tree were used for heart and circulatory problems.  Its seeds, boiled in wine, supposedly relieved internal pains.  Most interesting, however, is the mythology surrounding this plant.  Ancient Greek and Roman cultures used it as protection against evil spirits and saw it as symbol of hope. By contrast, medieval legend said that Jesus’ crown of thorns was made from Hawthorn. Carrying its cuttings into the house was believed to invite death or other disaster. Some said the plant literally smelled of death. It was thought to have been brought to England by Joseph of Arimathea around 63 AD.

Hazel: The hazel nut has a long history of culinary use, but in the Middle Ages, it value went well beyond that.  The nuts, leaves, and plant bark treated a variety of circulatory disorders and menstrual issues.  It supposedly also treated varicose veins and hemorrhoids, and wounds that were slow to heal.

Additionally, the wood was used to construct the wattle and daub buildings so common to the medieval world.  You could find its oil in cosmetics and soaps.  Hazel was sacred in Celtic mythology, and was believed to have magical powers.  For that reason it was used to make dowsers, diviners, and sorcerer’s wands.  Hazel nuts were carried as a way to repel evil spirits.

Ivy: Not something we think of today as anything but decorative landscaping.  But in the Middle Ages, ivy was considered sacred and had a myriad of uses.
Climbing ivy is poisonous, yet its leaves were used relieve pain, whooping cough, and bronchitis.  As a poultice it was used to treat sores, wounds, burns, and other external injuries.  One source claimed that the yellow berries “prevent and heal the plague.”
Ground ivy, on the other hand, is not poisonous and was eaten raw in salads, or cooked as part of other dishes.  It was also used to clarify ale. Medicinally, ground ivy was used as a cure for many different ailments, from colds to kidney disorders, and ground up, it was thought to cure bad eyesight.

Parsley: To us, a simple cooking herb–to people of the Middle Ages?  So much more! Parsley was use for infections, asthma, gout, jaundice, respiratory issues, and menstrual problems.  Chewed it freshened breath, used as a poultice it soothed bites, cuts, sprains, and reduced swelling.  However, country lore also associated parsley with the Devil, and it was said by some that “only the wicked could grow parsley; and those that gave it away, or transplanted it, could expect misfortune.”

Rosemary: This is another herb common to our modern day kitchens that had extraordinary uses in the medieval world.  Aside from its many culinary uses, rosemary was used on wounds, sores, ulcers, and as a hair tonic.  Made into a tea it aided digestion.  It was believed to reduce headache, calm nerves, help liver function, increase blood circulation, and even cure colds.

Non-medicinal uses also abound.  It was a strewing herb, moth repellent, an ingredient in shampoos, perfumes, and disinfectants, and was burned as incense. The wood of the plant was used to make musical instruments such as the lute. Placed under one’s head at night, it was supposed to keep away evil spirits.  It stood as a symbol of love, friendship, and remembrance. Legend says that a rosemary plant “will grow for thirty-three years, until it reaches the same height as Christ when He was crucified, then die.”

treeWant to learn more? There are lots of great historical sources out there.  Many of them were used to create the book Brother Cadfael’s Herb Garden, where I found much of this information. It remains a well used resource book on my shelf.

17 thoughts on “Medieval Monday: Plants and Herbs (part 2)

    • weavingword says:

      Yeah, I’m having a hard time imagining ivy in a salad too, but apparently they ate it. I guess if you’re really hungry, just about anything that doesn’t poison you makes for good food! They also cooked ivy like we would cook spinach. True currants are actually a dried berry, but there is another type of currant that is made from a specific type of small grape. My sources say they originated in Greece. Apparently they are easier to get than the berry type of currant. What’s amazing is all the bizarre, and actually poisonous things, they ingested in the Middle Ages, there were no potatoes or tomatoes on the menu, both assumed to be poisonous at the time.


      • Andrea Lundgren says:

        Ah, that explains it. Because I think I’ve picked currents, and they were nothing like grapes. They were, however, extremely plentiful on their many-branched bushes, and extremely tedious to collect, in entirety.


  1. Rose Lane says:

    This makes me want to go out and plant a massive herb garden! We’ve lost so much knowledge that could still be useful. I used to use onion juice mixed with a little olive oil for earache when my kids were young. It works like magic. Or dice an onion finely, put in an old sock, soak in boiling water and put against the painful ear. Works just as well. I’ve taken pawpaw seeds for digestive disorders (maybe thay’s papaya in the US?). So many natural remedies that could still be useful.


    • weavingword says:

      Very true…if used carefully! 🙂 Some medieval remedies were more dangerous than the disorders they were trying to cure. And some made no sense at all. But in an era with little medical knowledge and no antibiotics, they were often willing to try anything out of desperation. That being said, we are awfully quick to swallow a pill these days rather than use simpler remedies with fewer side effects. I find medieval herb gardens fascinating places to explore medieval knowledge and mythology at the same time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • weavingword says:

      So glad it was helpful! Be sure to catch part one of that post as well. Definitely get a copy of Brother Cadfael’s Herb Garden if you’re in need of more info. I’ve found its an interesting and helpful book.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Loretta Livingstone says:

        Thank you. I’ll certainly do that. And, for part 1, I’m already ahead of you – I reblogged that, too. I’m now following your blog. I don’t follow many as I don’t have a lot of time to read them, but I do like your Medieval Monday posts. I may have to go and look your books up, too. Do you set them in the medieval period?


      • weavingword says:

        Yes, I did, though it is a medieval fantasy period, not historical fiction. I did try to capture an authentic medieval feel. The first book in the series is free if you don’t mind ebooks.


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