Sneak Peek Friday: Author Renee Scattergood

This week I’d like to welcome author Renee Scattergood who writes the Shadow Stalker series. Renee is a very talented writer with an ever growing following of readers. Once you start these books, it’s really hard to put them down!

Shadow Stalker: Part 1 (Episodes 1 – 6)

Shadow Stalker Part 1 SmallAuren learns she is destined to enslave the people of her world, and Drevin, emperor of the Galvadi Empire is determined to end her life before it happens. Her foster father, Kado, has sworn to protect her and trains her as a shadow stalker. But her training is cut short, when their people are overrun by the Galvadi Empire. Now she has to find a way to help her people without succumbing to the prophecy.

“Are you ready?” Kado asked me.

“Ready for what?”

He removed a wooden lid covering the well and took a rope from a hook inside the opening. “You will need to climb down into the hole.”

“And then what?”

“Well, that will be up to you.”

“You’re not making sense again.”

He tilted his head toward the well. “Go on.”

I sighed. This seemed like a silly lesson. I had rappelled down many cliffs and into many caverns with Kado over the years. It was nothing new to me. Maybe he was going to start with the easy stuff. I grabbed the rope and sat on the wall of the well. Then I swung my legs over the side and started my descent.

It looked a lot deeper than it was. It was so dark I couldn’t see the bottom, and the opening became snugger as I lowered myself into the hole. By the time I reached the bottom, the walls touched me on all sides, but not enough to slow my progress. Then it opened up, and I found myself in a cavern of some sort. A little further, and my feet were on the ground.

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and then looked around the open space. The walls were obscured from view, but I heard the burbling of an underwater spring nearby. I looked up and was almost blinded by the light shining through the shaft I had just descended. I thought Kado might be coming down after me, but I didn’t see him.

“Okay I’m down here. Now what?”

“Let go of the rope.”

I dropped the rope, and watched it disappear through the top of the hole.

“Kado, what are you doing?”

Without a word, he put the lid over the hole and left me in complete darkness.

Get a free copy of Shadow Stalker Part 1 (Episodes 1 – 6):

Renee Scattergood's Bio PicRenee Scattergood lives in Australia with her husband, Nathan, and daughter, Taiya. She has always been a fan of fantasy and was inspired to become a story-teller by George Lucas, but didn’t start considering writing down her stories until she reached her late twenties. Now she enjoys writing dark fantasy.

She is currently publishing her monthly Shadow Stalker serial, and she has published a prequel novella to the series called, Demon Hunt. She is also working on a new series of novels, A God’s Deception.

Aside from writing, she loves reading (fantasy, of course), watching movies with her family, and doing crafts and science experiments with her homeschooled daughter. Visit her site for more information and a free copy of Shadow Stalker Part 1 (Episodes 1 – 6):

Author Pages


Renee’s Author Spotlight: – a blog where I feature indie and small press authors.

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Renee’s Shadow Stalkers:

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17 thoughts on “Sneak Peek Friday: Author Renee Scattergood

      • Renee says:

        We should probably be pressuring each other to get things done. We haven’t been keeping with out duty as writing buddies very well.


      • weavingword says:

        We’ve both been dealing with a lot of external pressures, and I know its hard to write when you’re sick, so bugging you about word counts hasn’t seemed like a good idea!


      • Renee says:

        Very true. I don’t mind though. I’m actually finding it hard to get back into writing now that’s I’m starting to feel better. I don’t know why. I think I still have a touch a brain fog. When I start writing, it flows like it used to, but then my brain shuts down after a chapter and I feel like I ran a marathon. I usually have to have a nap after just writing a thousand words which is weird for me.


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